École St. Catherine's Elementary School

Garden Committee

Here at Ecole St. Catherine's School, we are fortunate to have such a wonderful school garden. The garden gives our students opportunities to learn about food production and nutrition and provides a hands-on, outdoor, experiential learning environment for all our students.

As you probably know, the school garden is run entirely by volunteers. We would love to have more parents help support the garden! Many hands make light work for all. There are many ways to support the garden, including one-time small jobs. No gardening experience is necessary (it's a great way for adults to learn about gardening too!).

We are having our first garden committee meeting on Thursday, September 22 at 7 pm via Zoom (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88953808035?pwd=cEhoaXpTa1hDcTA0R0pYZ2h2VGJ4Zz09).

We hope that you can join us.